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Committed to our Colleagues

The principle of human dignity is the foundation of our organisation.

With traditional, solid, family-style values, we put our people first. We currently employ more than 450 skilled staff members across South Africa, and we place high value on creating a workplace culture where people are appreciated, engaged and productive.

We are passionate about growing talent and investing in our workforce’s development, inspiring higher employee motivation, improved customer service skills and increased customer satisfaction. As a result we offer various training programmes that better equip employees to carry out their jobs as well as providing advancement opportunities.

Meet the team:


Our capable C3 teams on the ground cover Stellenbosch University and Remgro - spanning multiple service offerings, including: university residence catering, coffee shops and restaurants aimed largely at students.

The administrative, HR, marketing and directorial teams are based in our head office in Tokai, Cape Town.  

Western Cape


One of our most dynamic teams is based at Nissan, fuelling the workforce of up to 2500 daily meals spread over several manufacturing concerns as well as training facilities and office buildings. 



Our biggest staff complement is based throughout KZN. Here we see staff participating in a learnerships through one of C3’s skills development programmes aimed at empowering staff to reach their potential.